
Results: 31
Automatic Generation of ROP Through Static Instructions Assignment and Dynamic Memory Analysis
W⊕X is a protection mechanism against control-flow hijacking attacks. Return-oriented programming (ROP) can perform a specific function by searching for appropriate assembly instruction fragments (gadgets) in a code segment and...
Published by: IGI Global
The Study of Para-Social Interaction With E-Word-of-Mouth for Influencer Marketing by Complex Computing
The purpose of this study was focused on exploring the relationship among the fans’ preferences, fans’ para-social interaction, and fans’ word-of-mouth. A survey consisted of 21 items based on the literature review and developed...
Published by: IGI Global
Application of E-Commerce Recommendation Algorithm in Consumer Preference Prediction
Wei Wang
Feb 21, 2022
Through user characteristic information, user interaction behavior, commodity characteristic information, recommendation engine, and related technologies in data mining, this paper makes a more in-depth study, and analyzes the...
Published by: IGI Global
The Domain of Gliding in French
Walcir Cardoso
Sep 10, 2013
Gliding is a domain-sensitive phonological process of European French in which the high vowels /i/, /y/, /u/ become their corresponding glides [j], [y], [w] in the presence of a following vowel, within the domain of the Prosodic...
On Kant On the Idea(s) of God
Garth W. Green
Mar 14, 2018
In the following essay, I consider the character, and implications, of the idea of God in Kant’s theoretical philosophy. I first consider the idea (or rather, ‘ideal’) of God in the Critique of Pure Reason, in which it is first...
The Significance of Self-Affection
Garth W. Green
Dec 30, 2016
Michel Henry’s “Destruction ontologique” does not interpret itself. In the following interpretive essay, I will attempt to articulate its basic structure, to address its principal engagements, and, on this basis, to interpret...
While Michel Henry is, in the words of Jean Leclercq, “l’un des plus grandspenseurs français du XXème siècle,” his philosophical contributions remained,throughout his career, anomalous or eccentric, in the etymological sense of...
On consonant sequences in Cayuga (Iroquoian)
Carrie Dyck
Jul 18, 2013
Underlying consonant sequences in Cayuga (and ill other Northernlroquoian languages) are apparently subject to phonotactic constraints. The non-randomness of underlying consonant sequences is problematic for Optimality-Theory...
Applying the Computational Intelligence Paradigm to Nuclear Power Plant Operation
In the guise of artificial neural networks (ANNs), genetic/evolutionary computation algorithms (GAs/ECAs), fuzzy logic (FL) inference systems (FLIS) and their variants as well as combinations, the computational intelligence (CI)...
Published by: IGI Global
Collation of a century of soil invertebrate abundance data suggests long-term declines in earthworms but not tipulids.
Large-scale declines in terrestrial insects have been reported over much of Europe and across the world, however, population change assessments of other key invertebrate groups, such as soil invertebrates, have been largely...
Published by: PLOS ONE
Primitive haematopoiesis in the human placenta gives rise to macrophages with epigenetically silenced HLA-DR.
The earliest macrophages are generated during embryonic development from erythro-myeloid progenitors (EMPs) via primitive haematopoiesis. Although this process is thought to be spatially restricted to the yolk sac in the mouse...
Published by: Nature Communications
Direct observation of a superconducting vortex diode.
The interplay between magnetism and superconductivity can lead to unconventional proximity and Josephson effects. A related phenomenon that has recently attracted considerable attention is the superconducting diode effect, in...
Published by: Nature Communications
CEERS Key Paper. III. The Diversity of Galaxy Structure and Morphology at z = 3–9 with JWST
We present a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of the morphological and structural properties of a large sample of galaxies at z = 3–9 using early James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) CEERS NIRCam observations. Our sample...
Label-free cell segmentation of diverse lymphoid tissues in 2D and 3D.
Unlocking and quantifying fundamental biological processes through tissue microscopy requires accurate, in situ segmentation of all cells imaged. Currently, achieving this is complex and requires exogenous fluorescent...
Published by: Cell reports methods





